I am a PRINCE2-accredited project manager, with 13 years of experience from managing a wide range of software-engineering projects, working with both commercial and academic partners. I have worked at EPCC for 15 years, though during 2012--2015 I was on secondment to the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Perth, Western Australia, where I held the position of Deputy Director and Head of Supercomputing.
Dr George Beckett

My role at Pawsey focused on promoting uptake of (petascale) supercomputing facilities, developing the computational research community in Australia and securing funding to support it, as well as growing Pawsey's capabilities to support the significant Australian radio-astronomy community (most notably the Square Kilometre Array telescope and its precursors).
At EPCC, I have managed a number of high-profile, international projects including being a team leader on the DEISA infrastructure, the overall project manager for the middleware programme on the International Lattice Data Grid and the overall project manager of the European FP7-funded APOS-EU project.
My academic background is in computational mathematics: I have an Honours degree in mathematics from New College, Oxford and a Ph.D. in Computation Mathematics from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. I have significant experience of a range of scientific-computing areas, include: petascale computing, cloud and grid computing, data-intensive research, accelerator programming, radio astronomy, medical imaging, (petroleum) reservoir modelling, image compression, and numerical linear algebra.
Twitter: @markgbeckett