Mr Kostas Kavoussanakis

Group Manager
+44 (0) 131 650 5021

I joined EPCC in June 1998 as an Applications Consultant, and I now work as a Group Manager.


I am currently involved in the following projects and activities:

  • EIDF: The Edinburgh International Data Facility (Data Scientific Computing Service Area Manager).
  • The EPCC TRE: Trusted Research Environment (Service Area Manager).
  • The Smart Data Foundry: Service Manager for the provision of their Safe Haven.
  • SAFE: Service Administration from EPCC (Project Leader).
  • Connect4: A Roadmap And Rich Metadata Catalogue For The Analysis Of Federated Sensitive Data (Project Leader).

In the past I have led (or led EPCC's involvement in) the following projects:

  • NatWest Group/RBS: Project Leader in various projects since 2014.
  • EIDF: The Edinburgh International Data Facility (Acting Service Director).
  • RAMPRapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic and its Quantifying and explaining epidemiological model uncertainty extension.
  • Data for Children Collborative: Delivery Support Board member.
  • RiboViz: Understanding protein synthesis via analysis of ribosome profiling data.
  • CodeOpt Scotland: work with Intel on Optos and Illuminate code optimisation.
  • AAAI: National Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting Infrastructure pathfinder project.
  • NeSS: Listening to the Future: Next Generation Sound Synthesis through Simulation.
  • Fed4FIRE: Service testbeds for Future Internet Research and Experimentation.
  • EUDAT2020: European data infrastructure (User Documentation and Training Material).
  • EUDAT: European data infrastructure (User Documentation).
  • Auditory: Using HPC to understand human hearing.
  • ECO2Clouds: Experimental Awareness of CO2 in Federated Cloud Sourcing.
  • BonFIRE: Testbeds for Internet of Services Experimentation.
  • TEXTvre: Virtual Research Environment for textual studies
  • eComploids: The Soft Matter Data Forum
  • Synthesis: Music composition using simulation-based sound synthesis
  • BEinGRID: Business Experiments in Grid
  • EGEE-NPM: Network Performance Monitoring for the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project
  • Oncology: Genome Scan To Identify Common Low Penetrance Alleles Contributing to Colorectal Cancer Aetiology
  • EGEE-JRA4: Network Services Development activity for the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project
  • PGPGrid: The Peppers Ghost Productions Grid Project
  • 3D-Pathology: A real time system for quantitative diagnostic pathology and visualisation in 3D
  • Autoscreen: automation of cervical cancer screening.
  • GridWeaver: investigation of the problem of automating the configuration and management of Grid computing fabrics.
  • Elektrobit: modelling of 3G mobile telephony networks.
  • Seesaw: performance optimisation of sawmills through the use of visual inspection.
  • ITBase: development of a tool for courseware maintenance.

Even longer ago, I worked as a developer on the following projects:

  • Intersim: development of a tool for the simulation of differentiated services.
  • Colombo: development of a tool for the programming and seamless parallel execution of CA models.

I graduated in 1994 from the University of Crete with a BSc in Mathematics. I then moved on to Edinburgh University and graduated in 1995 with an MSc in Computer Science, following the "Parallel Systems" course theme.

My first employment was at Heriot-Watt University, where I worked as a Research Associate in the then Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering. In September 1996 I enlisted in the Hellenic Navy for my compulsory, 21-month National Service.

In my free time I like watching football and I am also keen on gardening.