Ms Catherine Inglis

I am a Project Manager at EPCC, with a long history of co-ordinating EPCC's involvement in EC-funded Transnational Access research visit programmes - firstly in TRACS, a programme run by EPCC alone, and then in HPC-Europa, a similar programme run jointly by a consortium of European HPC centres. The third HPC-Europa programme ended in April 2022 and there is no new project planned for the foreseeable future.
I currently retain some involvement with EC-funded projects through the EuroCC project, as part of the communications team for the UK National Competence Centre in HPC, HPDA and AI.
I have a variety of roles in the ARCHER2 national HPC service, being part of both the User Administration team and the eCSE team, and am also involved in outreach, impact and benefits realisation.
I have also recently joined the Community team in the Software Sustainability Institute, where I will be getting involved with the Fellowship Programme.
During my time at EPCC, I have been involved with a number of other European-funded projects, including INTERTWinE, EXDCI and PRACE (PRACE Advanced Training Centre and Summer of HPC).