I was a founding member of EPCC, and in 1995, became its Director. During my tenure as Director, EPCC was rated as the finest example of commercialising the science base in Scotland, and it became one of the top centres for computational science in Europe, hosting some of the most powerful HPC facilities in the world - success that continues to the present day.
Prof Arthur Trew

I stepped down as Director of EPCC in 2010 when I became Head of the School of Physics and Astronomy. In 2017 I was appointed EPCC Chairman.
I have a wide range of Research Grants and contracts and am a Director of UOE HPCx Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University, which holds the contracts from EPSRC for the ARCHER service and CSE support. I holds the Chair of Computational Science, am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts. I am also the University's Assistant Principal Computational Science and the Deputy Head of the College of Science & Engineering.