ARCHER2 image competition winners announced
4 November 2022
Each year the ARCHER2 team holds a competition to find the best images and videos generated by reseachers using the service, and this year's winners have been announced.
Images can be an excellent way to inform the public about important research that uses the UK's national supercomputing service, and this year's competition entries covered diverse subjects including modelling the movement of plastic pollution in the ocean, air flow around a wind farm, and the formation of icebergs off the coast of Greenland.
The winning entry is shown here. Submitted by Aleksandra Monka (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, ) it is titled "Expiratory particle dispersion by turbulent exhalation jet during speaking". This striking image illustrates an area of research somewhat topical given the recent pandemic!
The best video category was won by Noam Vogt-Vincent (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford) with “One year in the southwestern Indian Ocean".
In the category for early career researchers, the winner is Dr Nikolaos Bempedelis (Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London) with “Flow within and around a large wind farm “.
The full list of entries can be found on the ARCHER2 website.