EPCC Lightning Talks session: World-class supercomputing on your doorstep

5 April 2019

Come to our session of lightning talks to learn how we work with industry and academia – and how we can help you too.

Based at the Bayes Centre, EPCC is the UK’s only supercomputing centre with a global reputation. Our unique collection of high-performance computing and data facilities combined with our expertise can help you create and innovate on a whole new level.

Event details

Talk subjects will include:

The talks will be followed by a light buffet and the opportunity to interact with Wee Archie, our mini supercomputer.

EPCC Lightning Talks session
Bayes Centre, EH8 9BT
12:30pm–1:30pm, May 1, 2019
Attendance is free but please register! bit.ly/epcclightningtalks
