EPCC at the NERC showcase event
24 October 2017
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) will run its showcase event at Dynamic Earth entitied UnEarthed from 17th-20th November. This will be a chance for the general public to interact with over thirty exhibts from all over NERC's science remit and to understand how UK scientists are answering some of the biggest questions on Earth.
EPCC is an exhibitor at this event and we will be running our weather forcasting demo, based upon the MONC model developed by EPCC and the Met Office.
This demo was created as part of the PRACE Summer of HPC programme, firstly by Tomislav in 2016 and then by Sam in 2017. It enables the public to pick a location in the UK and tweak specific settings of the model - this is then run on Wee Archie, our mini-supercomputer, and the participants can see how much of the weather they are able to forecast and how accurately within a specific timeframe.
We will also run our beanbag-sorting demo, where the public compete to sort beanbags both sequentially and in parallel to understand the benefits that parallel computing can afford.
It should be a great few days, with Dynamic Earth opening up free of charge on the weekend (10am to 5:30pm) targeted towards families. There are some really interesting and varied exhibits at this event, as well as science buskers outside to keep people entertained!