EPCC at SC17: say hello at Booth 201

24 October 2017

We are delighted to be taking part in Supercomputing 2017 in Denver, Colorado.

If you're going too, please come along to Booth 201 to say hello and find out about our current projects, including our data science and exascale work. You can also try your hand at designing and testing an airplane wing using our popular CFD demo, which will be running on Wee Archie, our Raspberry Pi mini-supercomputer.

A full list of our SC17 activities is below. Hope to see you there! 

INTERTWinE project

We are part of the INTERTWinE project, which addresses the problem of programming model design and implementation for the exascale. You can learn more at the booths of Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (Booth 2143), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Booth 1975), and EPCC's own booth. 

SHAPE: SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe

We are also part of SHAPE, a pan-European programme that promotes the adoption of high performance computing by small to medium sized enterprises. You can learn more about it on the PRACE booth (Booth 2171).


Neil Chue Hong is participating in the Advisory Committee meeting for the Center For Trustworthy Scientific Cyberinfrastructure which is co-located with SC17. 

Saturday 11 November

10:15–10:45am: Adrian Jackson will give a talk "I/O Performance at Scale and Storage Class Memory" at the Intel HPC Developer Conference.

Sunday 12 November

4:00–5.30pm: Dan Holmes will be panel moderator for “Effective Programming Models for Deep Learning at scale" at ESPM2 2017. 

2:00–5:30pm: Andy Turner will be part of the presentation “HPC Carpentry: Practical, Hands-on HPC Training” at the Fourth SC Workshop on Best Practices for HPC Training, with Christina Koch, Tracy Teal, Robert Freeman Jr, Chris Bording, and Martin Callaghan. 
2:30–2:40pm: Weronika Filinger will also give a talk at this workshop: "Creating Effective Learner Engagement in HPC Training and Beyond".

9:00–5:30pm: Toni Collis will chair and speak at the Women In HPC Workshop: Diversifying the Community.
Afternoon: Nick Brown will give a 5-minute talk entitled "From Outreach to Education to Researcher, Innovative Ways of Expanding the HPC Community".

2:00–5:30pm: Neil Chue Hong will co-chair the 2017 International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing in Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (SE-CoDeSE 2017). Adrian Jackson will give a talk.

Monday 13 November

2:45pm: Manos Farsarakis will give a talk entitled "NEXTGenIO: Storage Class Memory and job scheduling" at the 2017 2nd Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (PDSW-DICSC17).

12:10-12:30pm: Andy Turner and Simon McIntosh-Smith will present "A survey of application memory usage on a national supercomputer: an analysis of memory requirements on ARCHER” at The 8th International Workshop on Performance Modelling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS17).

Justs Zarins, an EPCC PhD student supervised by Michèle Weiland, has a paper called “Progressive load balancing of asynchronous algorithms” in the Seventh Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms (IA^3) workshop.

Tue 14 November

All day: Women in HPC Diversity Ambassadors Day. One hundred Diversity Ambassadors in blue Women in HPC Diversity t-shirts and wrist ribbons will roam the conference to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion.

12:00–12:30pm: Toni Collis will chair the PRACE & Women in HPC SC17 Panel Diversity on the International Stage. PRACE booth 2171.

12:15–1:15pm: Neil Chue Hong and Andy Turner will take part in the BoF Software Engineers: Careers in Research with Daniel Katz, Jay Jay Billings, Alys Brett, Jeffrey Carver, Catherine Jones, Lauren Michael, and David Perez-Suarez.

3:00pm: Manos Farsarakis will give a talk on NEXTGenIO: Storage Class Memory and job scheduling. PRACE booth 2171.

4:30–6:00pm: The Intel Diversity Networking session, in collaboration with Women in HPC, Intel Booth 1203.

5:15–7:00pm: Neil Chue Hong will co-chair Software Engineering and Reuse in Computational Science and Engineering.

5:15–7:00pm: Nick Brown has a poster in the main conference poster session entitled Offloading Python kernels to micro-core architectures.

5:15–7:15pm: Andy Turner will be part of the BoF HPC Carpentry: Practical, Hands-on HPC Training with Christina Koch, Tracy Teal, Robert Freeman Jr, Chris Bording, and Martin Callaghan.

6:15–8:30pm: Women in HPC Networking and Careers Cocktail Reception, The Corner Office, Denver.

Wednesday 15 November

10:30–12:00pm: Mark Parsons will chair HPC Impact Showcase: Energy and Climate

12:15-1:15pm Women in HPC will take part on the BoF Non-Traditional Paths to HPC and How They Can and Do Enrich the Field

12:15-1:15pm: Dan Holmes will present at the BoF The Message Passing Interface: On the Road to MPI 4.0 and Beyond

3:30pm: Nick Brown will give a talk entitled "INTERTWinE: Interoperable Tools and Best Practices to Shorten the Path to Exascale". PRACE booth (2171).

2:30pm: Manos Farsarakis will give a talk about the PRACE/EPCC Supercomputing MOOC. PRACE booth 2171.

5:15-7:00pm: Weronika Filinger and Nick Brown will take part in the BoF From Outreach to Education to Researcher – Innovative ways of expanding the HPC community

Thursday 16 November

10:30am–12:00pm: Michele Weiland will chair the Performance Analysis Paper session.

12:15-1:15pm: Toni Collis will chair the Women in HPC BoF: Recruitment: How to Build Diverse Teams.