EuroCC@UK: a national centre of HPC competence
23 November 2022
Since 2020 EPCC, together with the Hartree Centre, has been operating the UK National Competence Center of the EuroCC network.
The objectives of the EuroCC network are to increase the accessibility and availability of high-performance computing (HPC), high-performance data analytics (HPDA), and artificial intelligence (AI) in their respective countries. Also to provide a single “front door” into HPC research and development capabilities for both industrial customers and academic researchers.
The adoption of a strategy based on national competence centres (NCC) reflects the differing levels of maturity of these technologies across Europe, and it allows countries to focus on their own priorities. In addition to work done at the national level, the NCCs have served as conduits for exchanging knowledge between each other. This has helped to establish best practice and elevate the quality of research and innovation in HPC, HPDA, and AI to a common high standard across Europe.
HPC outreach
EPCC has been active in investigating state-of-the-art technologies, developing and delivering training, and general outreach. For example the UK NCC was well represented at the international ISC HPC conference earlier this year with EPCC hosting an exhibition stand. Our collaborations within EuroCC have included partnering with the Swedish NCC to investigate the use of CodeRefinery to develop accessible self-service HPC courses.
Knowledge transfer
A key objective of the programme has been the transfer of knowledge to industry, an area in which EPCC has a proven track record.
Through EuroCC we have helped local companies recognise the benefits of new technology, for example with Edinburgh-based Danu Robotics (see p5), which has developed an AI system to improve the efficiency of recycling through automation. EPCC has also given a presentation to other NCCs on the important issue of security requirements for HPC centres who wish to engage with industry.
About EuroCC
This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 951732.
The National Competence Centres (NCCs) are the central points of contact for HPC and related technologies in their country. Their missions are to:
• Map HPC competencies and institutions in their country.
• Act as a gateway for industry and academia to HPC expertise and projects.
• Promote HPC training.
Further information
Hartree Centre
Image shows some of the EPCC and Hartree EuroCC team members at ISC2022.