HPC-Europa Transnational Access Meeting (TAM 2018)
23 October 2018
EPCC has now been welcoming visitors from the HPC-Europa3 programme for a year. To mark this we hosted the first user group meeting in Edinburgh in October.

Attendees each presented the results of their HPC-Europa project and, with topics ranging from pure computing research to applied computational science, the programme’s multidisciplinary nature was well represented. Computational chemistry was the most common area, but it is clear that HPC is becoming increasingly important in the life sciences, especially those focused on health and drug design.
The Best Talk Award was given to José Carlos Romero Moreno (University of Málaga) for “Time series collaborative execution on CPU+GPU chips”, while the Best Poster Award went to Daniele Dragoni (University of Milano-Bicocca) for “An artificial Neural Network potential for Sb”.
The full list of talks and posters can be found at:
About the programme
HPC-Europa is an EC-funded programme which enables collaborative cross-border research visits using world-class HPC.
There are four HPC-Europa3 closing dates per year, with the next one on February 21st 2019. See www.hpc-europa.org