Simulating quantum circuits on GPUs

13 June 2023

The EPCC Quantum Applications Group has been investigating the use of HPC for the efficient simulation of quantum circuits and algorithms.

The group has recently demonstrated the ability to perform a state vector simulation of up to 44 qubits on 4096 CPU nodes on ARCHER2 using the QuEST library. They will be talking more about this soon.

In my article on the Cirrus website, I ask whether we can, and should, simulate quantum circuits on GPUs, which are now being utilised by so many fields of scientific computation.

The article discusses what libraries are currently available and can be used on Cirrus, the EPSRC Tier-2 HPC facility managed by EPCC. Read my full article on the Cirrus website: Simulating Quantum Circuits on GPUs.

EPCC Quantum Applications Group

EPCC has been at the cutting edge of classical high performance computing for many years, and its Quantum Applications Group is focused on identifying potential performance advantage from quantum computing. Some of the research areas include:

  • Identifying use cases for quantum computation to achieve advantage.
  • Providing large scale quantum circuit simulation capability on classical HPC system.
  • Developing programming models for hybrid quantum-classical computation.


Cirrus is an HPC system designed to solve computational, simulation, modelling, and data science challenges. It runs industry-standard Linux, which provides an ideal platform for users to solve their computational simulation and modelling challenges.

Users can run their own codes and also access a range of commercial software tools on an on-demand, pay-per-use basis.

Preview image: Getty/Bartlomiej Wroblewski