The NEXTGenIO system is a prototype HPC platform with DCPMM non-volatile memory.

# Nodes
34 compute nodes
2x Intel Xeon Platinum 8260M “Cascade Lake”, 2.4 GHz, 48 cores per node (2 x 24)
Total CPU cores
Other key technology or accelerator details
The NEXTGenIO system offers 3TB per node of Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory. DCPMM is a byte-addressable persistent non-volatile memory technology which offers unprecedented capacity at near-DRAM speeds.
System Memory details
192GB of DDR4 RAM per node, 6.5TB total
3,072GB of Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory per node, 104TB total
Storage technologies and specs
The NEXTGenIO system has a 217TB lustre file system
Interconnect technologies and specs
Dual-rail Intel Omnipath at 100 Gbit/s
Layout/Physical system scale
The system is housed in 2 racks
Cooling tech and specs
The system is composed of 34 air-cooled Fujitsu servers, along with support servers, login nodes and file system, housed in two air-cooled racks.
Scheduler details
System OS Details
Science and applications
The NEXTGenIO system is focused on I/O and memory intensive applications. For example:
- An Early Evaluation of Intel’s Optane DC Persistent Memory Module and its Impact on High-Performance Scientific Applications
- A High-Performance Distributed Object-Store for Exascale Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate
If you are interested in using the NEXTGenIO prototype for your research, please get in touch to discuss your requirements:
Commercial users can get access on a cycle sales basis, please contact our Business Development Manager, Julien Sindt.
The NEXTGenIO system is managed by Michèle Weiland and Adrian Jackson. The NEXTGenIO system is supported by the NEXTGenIO team and the HPC Systems Team.