Recent publications from research developed in EPCC’s Safe Haven
Two key papers on COVID outcomes have been published recently, both of which used the Outbreak Data Analysis Platform (ODAP) hosted and managed by EPCC’s Safe Haven Services.

Vacancies at EPCC
Want to join one of Europe’s premier supercomputing and data science centres?

Applications open for EPCC HPC Summer School 2024
Now in its second year, EPCC's HPC Summer School will offer UK undergraduate students the opportunity to learn about high performance computing in a residential and practical setting over two weeks

From PhD candidate to EPCC team member
Shrey Bhardwaj became an applications developer at EPCC last month, after having first joined us as a PhD student.

The benefits of an EPCC internship
Thomas Flynn, a final-year PhD student in Applied Maths at Newcastle University, has recently completed a three-month internship with EPCC. Here he writes about the experience.

Immerse yourself in ARCHER2
Want to see what ARCHER2 really looks like? Our new virtual reality tour brings it to life.

EPCC at Quantum Week 2024
We are pleased to be part of the upcoming Quantum Week at Edinburgh and look forward to this exciting series of events.

Event review: FutureScot Cloud, Data & AI - Transforming Public Services
EPCC's Donald Scobbie writes about this recent event in Glasgow, which included a keynote talk by EPCC Director Mark Parsons.

EPCC at the Edinburgh Science Festival 2024
We're taking our "Power of Programming" workshop to this annual celebration of science and technology.

Vacancies at EPCC
Do you want to join the UK's premier supercomputing and data science centre? We're looking for Applications Consultants, Systems Administrators and a Postgraduate Programmes Coordinator.