HPC Birds of a Feather at RSECon23
Our HPC RSE BoF at RSECon23 had short talks and discussion in three topics: Technology, Training and Community.

EPCC at CIUK 2023
We're getting ready for Computing Insight UK 2023, the UK's premier conference for high performance computing and its associated science!

EOSC EVERSE: Paving the way towards a European Virtual Institute for Research Software Excellence
Software is ubiquitous in modern society; from our cell phones to our transportation, and from entertainment to industry. Trust in research software longevity requires good engineering and cle

Research paper: Exploring the suitability of the Cerebras Wafer Scale Engine for stencil-based computation codes
EPCC's Justs Zarins explains the background to this paper, which examines the use of the Cerebras CS-1 for stencil computation, a common HPC workload.

Review: the Second International RISC-V for HPC workshop
EPCC's Nick Brown writes about the recent Second International RISC-V for HPC workshop, which was held at SC23 in Denver, Colorado this month.

Designing quantum algorithms at NQCC’s Second UK Quantum Hackathon
Jakub Adamski, a PhD student at EPCC, writes about attending a hackathon organised by the National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC) this summer.

DataLoch: Unifying health data in the Lothian region
EPCC's Ally Hume gives a personal view of working on the DataLoch data service, developed by the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian to address major health and social care challenges.

EPCC at SC23: Thursday 16 November
EPCC is still busy at SC23. Today colleagues will be discussing HPC education and training, and Advanced Architecture testbeds.

Studying for a PhD at EPCC: NVIDIA internship
Ricardo Jesus, a PhD student at EPCC, writes about the six-month internship he undertook with NVIDIA this year.

EPCC at SC23: Wednesday 15 November
Today at SC23 our colleagues will be discussing Interactive and Urgent HPC, and how to improve the provision and uptake of training in HPC.