

One tiny edge, two tiny edges... one trillion edges!

Ludovic Capelli, Teaching Fellow at EPCC, lets us in on his PhD years.

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Head-and-shoulders photograph of Ludovic Capelli

New EIDF GPU Service launched to support academic and industrial research

The Edinburgh International Data Facility (EIDF) GPU Service supports scalable data processing and artificial intelligence workloads. 

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Blue-tinted photograph of computer server

Testing industry workflows on HPC services

SHAPE (SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe) enabled smaller companies to test workflows on HPC hardware in a low risk environment by giving them access to hardware and expertise within the EU PRAC

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Logo with word "PRACE" circled by blue stars and word "SHAPE" sitting over text "SME HPC Adoption Programme in Europe".

Teaching data science in Ghana

Chris Wood of EPCC writes about his teaching trip to the African Institute for Mathematical Studies in Accra, Ghana.

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AIMS Ghana logo with stylised map of Africa.

Nuffield Research Placements at EPCC

The Nuffield Research Placements (NRP) programme provides hands-on research projects for 16 and 17-year-old school students. EPCC is currently supervising three student visitors. 

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Nuffield school students visiting EPCC's ACF. Image shows 3 older school students standing outside a brick building

ARCHER2 Image and Video Competition 2023

The ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service invites all its users to share their images and videos on the theme of “ARCHER2 Enabling Research”.

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Computer-generated image of Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of flow past a vertical plate in a transitional phase

ARCHER2 eCSE project: Porting, testing, optimising, and configuring the Community Earth System Model

Embedded Computational Science and Engineering (eCSE) support provides funding to the ARCHER2 user community to develop software in a sustainable manner to improve research on the ARCHER2 service.

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An image of Earth from space, mostly showing the daylight side but with a smaller part of the night-time side showing too.

HPC Summer School 2023

In June we were delighted to welcome the first cohort of a new HPC summer school programme designed for undergraduate students.

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7 undergraduate students standing either side of large University of Edinburgh logo carved into the side of a sandstone building

The Lasair alert broker

Preparing for a massive, complex astronomical data stream.

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LASAIR logo. White text on black, with flame design over letter "I".

The Big Bang Fair 2023: the bigger bang strikes back

EPCC's Ben Morse reviews EPCC attendance at this year's The Big Bang Fair, one of the UK's largest science and technology outreach events. 

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the Big Bang logo. Red text in capitals arranged in a red square, on a blue-black background.