Event review: What data-driven innovation means for business in Scotland
EPCC is at the heart of the Data-Driven Innovation programme of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.

Proof-driven queries to preserve patient privacy
In our role as members of the Research Engineering Group of the Alan Turing Institute, Anna Roubickova and I worked with Efi Tsamoura and Benjamin Spencer (Department of Computer Sci

Proof-driven queries to preserve patient privacy
In our role as members of the Research Engineering Group of the Alan Turing Institute, Anna Roubickova and I worked with Efi Tsamoura and Benjamin Spencer (Department of Computer Sci

HPC-Europa3 visitor publishes paper in Physical Review Letters
Former HPC-Europa3 visitor Dr Mats Simmermacher, Dr Adam Kirrander (Mats' host from the University of Edinburgh's School of Chemistry), and their collaborators from Edinburgh and Cop

What is MPI “nonblocking” for? Correctness and performance
The MPI Standard states that nonblocking communication operations can be used to “improve performance… by overlapping communication with computation”.

Software Sustainability Institute to improve research software practices with £6.5 million UKRI funding

The Julia programming language
Peeved with Python? Revolted by R? SAS make you sad? The Julia Language may be for you. Recently reaching version 1.0, Julia claims to be more than just another data science language.

Modelling and exploring airline booking data
From April–December 2018, Rosa Filgueira and I worked at the Dynamic Forecasting project, as members of the Research Engineering Group of the Alan Turing Institute.

A generational opportunity to reduce disaster risk for world's urban poor

Spark-based genome analysis on Cray-Urika and Cirrus clusters
Analysing genomics data is a complex and compute intensive task, generally requiring numerous software tools and large reference data sets, tied together in successive stages of data transformation