PickCells and exploratory image analysis in cell biology
PickCells is an image analysis platform developed by the Centre for Regenerative Medicine (CRM) at The University of Edinburgh.

Fortissimo: a boost for European business
December 2018 marks the end of the Fortissimo project.

RSE18 conference, Birmingham
I recently attended the Third Research Software Engineers (RSE) conference in Birmingham, UK. RSE conferences bring together people who work in an RSE-type roll from across the UK and world.

Supercomputing MOOC: learning at scale!
What is a MOOC, you ask? The answer is, it's a Massively Open Online Course, and EPCC's Supercomputing MOOC will start on 24th September.

SpiNNaker arrives in the Bayes!
The SpiNNaker neuromorphic high-performance computing platform, which aims to run 1% of the human brain in real time, will arrive at EPCC in the Bayes building this year. SpiNNa

The Bayes Centre: EPCC’s new home
EPCC has moved to the Bayes Centre, the University of Edinburgh’s new community of academic, research and commercial expertise located on its Central campus.

High-performance ray tracing for room acoustics
The Auralisation of Acoustics in Architecture project is considering how to improve the modelling of sound qualities in rooms, whether existing, planned or ruined.

Health Data Research UK
The application of cutting-edge data science to health and medical data in order to address population health challenges is an exciting and fast moving new field of research.

Collaborative environment for sales prospect generation
So, you read the title and thought, ‘What?'

My summer job
Hello, my name is Aliki Kavoussanaki.