

How do you solve a problem like Sierpinski?

I promised in a post last month that I'd write some more about the PrimeGrid project, and it so happened this week that we made a discovery which gives me a good excuse to blog!

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Nektar++ IO Performance for Aorta test case on ARCHER Cray XC-30

Nektar++ [1] is an open-source MPI-based spectral element code that combines the accuracy of spectral methods with the geometric flexibility of finite elements, specifically, hp-version FEM.

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ARCHER gains parallel Knights Landing capability

The ARCHER national service is being enhanced by the addition of a parallel Knights Landing (KNL) system that will be available to all ARCHER users. 

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Testing code

It's always a bit of an embarrassment when talking about your code tests. I think most developers know that they don’t have enough tests or that their tests are not good enough.

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Provenance Tool Suite: Tracking data to its origins

This article is part of the Software Sustainability Institute's series Breaking Software Barriers, which investigates how its Research Software Group has helped projects improve their

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Distributed European Computing Initiative: Call for Proposals (Tier 1)

The Distributed European Computing Initiative (DECI) provides cross-national access to European Tier-1 HPC resources (national systems).

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Dual-resolution simulations with LAMMPS

Over the last year I've been working with Prof.

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Cirrus supercomputer helps speed commercial ideas to reality

Businesses could dramatically cut the time taken to bring new products and services to market with help from our new supercomputer.

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Fortissimo Open Call 2 launched

The Fortissimo Project has launched a second Open Call for proposals to carry out experiments in modelling and simulation, and high-performance data-analytics using cloud-based HPC.

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Adept project concludes with open-source release of energy measurement tools

Over its 3-year lifespan, Adept has investigated energy consumption in parallel hardware and software.

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