Our team


Pronouns: he/him


I joined EPCC in 1995 as a training and education officer. Since then I have been involved in many academic and commercial projects at EPCC. I did a BSc in Mathematical Physics at Edinburgh, a Part Three at Cambridge and finally a Ph.D. at Cardiff. I am a PRINCE2 practitioner (since Dec 2014) and I am a STEM ambassador.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, playing classical guitar and struggling to play viola in a local amateur orchestra.

+44 (0) 131 651 3534
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Mario Antonioletti

I completed my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemistry at the University of Coimbra. I earned my Ph.D. in Computational Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh, and continued as a PDRA for 3 years before joining EPCC in 2023.


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Rui Apóstolo

Based in Edinburgh, Selina joined the Software Sustainability Institute in 2016 as the Software Sustainability Institute Communications Officer.

Selina holds a BA in English Arts from UNAM (Mexico) and an MSc in Comparative Literature from the University of Edinburgh. She has previously worked for the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics and the School of Engineering, as well as in the publishing sector in Mexico and Scotland.

She is also a freelance translator and editor, and volunteers as Spanish Social Media Manager and Reviewer at the literary translation journal, Asymptote.

+44 (0) 131 651 7749
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Selena Aragon

The exposure to world-class computing facilities, and the national HPC service coupled with lectures taught by highly experienced professors during my MSc in HPC with Data Science opened a world of new possibilities for me!


I joined EPCC as an "Applications Developer", delivering software engineering capabilities required for academic and industrial projects. I believe this experience has honed my skill set and enabled me to bring the power of high-performance computing and data science to not only the UK but the World.

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Daniyal Arshad

Jemma acts as EPCC's Student Adviser and oversees administration of the MSc programmes

0131 651 3545
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Jemma Auns

Denis joined EPCC and the Software Sustainability Institute in January 2023 as Communications Officer. He previously worked within the arts public relations field, contributing to the communication efforts of numerous events and festivals across Scotland and the UK, from Edinburgh's August festivals to the Birmingham 2022 Festival and many others. Denis graduated from Queen Margaret University with an MSc in Strategic Communications and Public Relations and a BA (Hons) in Public Relations and Media, which helped him develop strong communications skills in the charity, NGO, and activism fields. While at university he also pursued his passion for graphic design by exploring new ways to implement and evaluate visual communication.

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My day-to-day activities involve helping researchers run their parallel codes on the ARCHER2 and Cirrus HPC machines.

Working at EPCC also gives me the opportunity to engage in computational science research, such as accessing the suitability of accelerator devices for HPC workloads or investigating the benefits of using alternative process communication strategies.


+44 (0) 131 651 7183
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Michael Bareford

I joined EPCC in 2014 to provide administrative support for HPC training courses and as one of the ARCHER helpdesk team.

I graduated from University of Edinburgh with BSc Computer Science and worked as a systems and applications developer before moving into education where I worked as IT user support in schools and taught Computing Science in several high schools in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

In my free time I enjoy the great outdoors, particularly walking in the hills, and photography.

+44 (0) 131 651 7836
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Clair Barrass

I joined EPCC in November 2019 working on the ASiMoV project to develop the capability to simulate a full gas-turbine engine during operation. Prior to this I completed a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London developing a fully-coupled solver for the two-fluid model of multiphase flows, followed by two post-doctoral positions in the aeronautics department funded through the ARCHER eCSE programme to extend the Incompact3d (now Xcompact3d) CFD code.

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I am a PRINCE2-accredited project manager, with 13 years of experience from managing a wide range of software-engineering projects, working with both commercial and academic partners. I have worked at EPCC for 15 years, though during 2012--2015 I was on secondment to the Pawsey Supercomputing Centre in Perth, Western Australia, where I held the position of Deputy Director and Head of Supercomputing.

+44 (0) 131 651 3577
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George Beckett

I returned to EPCC to join the User Support and Liaison team for ARCHER in May 2014. I had previously worked within the Systems Support Team with a particular focus on HPC Systems
before taking a career break to look after my young children. 

Prior to my working at EPCC, I gained a Computational Physics degree during which I also participated  in the EPCC Summer Scholarship Programme where I was first introduced to High Performance Computing. I am enjoying being part of the ARCHER team and using my background to assist users. 

+44 (0) 131 650 5863
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Jo Beech-Brandt

Evgenij joined EPCC in 2019 to work on the ASiMoV project with focus on profiling and tuning performance and scalability of large-scale multi-physics simulations, virtual certification, and Exascale Computing.

Previously he worked on several DataLab projects with SMEs: using Machine Learning for catergorisation and tagging of financial transactions (with The IDCo) and using MATLAB Distributed Compute Server to optimise a financial backtesting pipeline (with Aberdeen Standard Investments).

+44 (0) 131 6505109
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Evgenij Belikov
Felix Berg

I studied for an MEng in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Bristol and completed my PhD in 2024 with EPCC researching I/O performance techniques for HPC applications. I joined EPCC in 2024 as an Applications Developer and currently work as an Applications Consultant contributing to the BDQS and Met Office NG-ARCH projects. In my spare time I like to play squash and bake.

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Shrey Bhardwaj
Greg Blow

I am currently the Principal Architect within the EPCC Applications Group. Most of my time is spent supporting the National HPC services run by EPCC. This includes research into Exascale computing and developing the SAFE administration and accounting software.

+44 (0) 131 650 5746
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Stephen Booth

I joined EPCC in November 2021. I have a background in Astrophysics having most recently come from doing a postdoc, and previously a PhD at the University of St Andrews working on Solar Physics. Interspersed with Solar Physics I also worked as a research software engineer with DiRAC primarily working on the SWIFT cosmology code. When not coding up physics models I enjoy cycling, Munro bagging and hanging out with my cat.

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Alexei Borissov
(0)131 651 3582
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Angela Boreland
+44 (0) 131 650 6494
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Elena Breitmoser