Investigating micro-core architectures with an EPCC PhD
Maurice Jamieson's interest in Green Computing led him to join EPCC first as a PhD student and now as a member of staff.

EuroCC and The UK National Competence Centre
EuroCC was formed in 2020 to create a European-funded network of National Competence Centres (NCC) in HPC and related technologies. EuroCC@UK was the UK NCC, run by EPCC in col

Research Software Workshop: guidelines and metrics for metadata curation
On March 24, the FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4OSC projects will co-host the "Research Software Workshop: guidelines and metrics for metadata curation".

Emerging Technologies: Rust in HPC
This technical report is a short investigation into how Rust could be used for a scientific application in a HPC system.

Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform
EPCC is providing computing and data engineering services for the Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform (PeaceRep), in support of the project to build an online platform for peace process

HPC Scalability Service for biomedical applications
Users of computational biomedical applications are increasingly encountering performance issues, eg perhaps code cannot run in an acceptable time.

Developing online self-service HPC courses
As part of our work with the EuroCC project we looked at a range of technologies which would be suitable for developing online self-service HPC courses.

Identifying factors that can predict men’s response to radiotherapy
Prostate Cancer UK has funded research into the use of advanced computing techniques to analyse data from more than 10,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and treated with radiotherapy.&nbs

PhD student internships at HPE
Two EPCC PhD students, Gabriel RodrÍguez Canal and Mark Klaisoongnoen, are currently undertaking internships with HPE.

Building a common ecosystem for DSLs
As we enter the era of exascale supercomputing, a major challenge is how to program these next-generation machines.