

Building a common ecosystem for DSLs

As we enter the era of exascale supercomputing, a major challenge is how to program these next-generation machines.

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ExCalibur logo

ARCHER2: Challenges for an RSE team supporting the UK national supercomputing service

The ARCHER2 service is designed to enable world-leading research for over 4,000 users, which covers a wide range of research areas and scientific software. To assist these users, the

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ARCHER2 logo showing text and green roundel

Data Slipstream: bringing together Earth-observation data, science, industry, and next-gen compute

The Data Slipstream project is building a system whereby the large, diverse and complex datasets vital to Earth Observation (EO) research at the University of Edinburgh and beyond can be brought to

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Satellite view of Fife

Exploring the world of ChatGPT code

Playing around with ChatGPT seems to be mandatory now if you do anything with computers, and I've been recently doing this to see what its capabilities are.

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A robot coding

Hosting and operating the ARCHER2 service

Many of the articles about ARCHER2 contain a statement such as “ARCHER2 is hosted and operated by EPCC at the University of Edinburgh”. But what does this actually mean?

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ARCHER2 logo showing text and green roundel

Energy-efficient quantum computing simulations

Jakub Adamski, a PhD student at EPCC, is investigating the benchmarking of classical simulations of quantum computing against real quantum hardware.

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A trophy featuring a globe atop a glass pedestal.

Giving business a competitive edge with HPC

Since our foundation, we have worked with commercial partners to bring them the competitive advantages of high performance computing.

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Illustration of aircraft against yellow background

Technology transfer: EuroCC@UK success stories

EPCC has carried out pilot studies with local start-ups Danu Robotics and Mercury Environmental Systems Ltd as part of a Europe-wide HPC network.

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Map of British isles, divided into squares

ARCHER2: the impact of CPU frequency on application performance

On the 12 December 2022 the default CPU frequency on ARCHER2 compute nodes was set to be 2.0 GHz.

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ARCHER2 cabinets

Revolutionising recycling with AI

We’ve been providing computing and software support to start-up Danu Robotics, which aims to revolutionise the efficiency of the recycling sector with an AI-powered, vision-guided, robotic sorting

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Danu Robotics logo