

ARCHER2 image competition winners announced

Each year the ARCHER2 team holds a competition to find the best images and videos generated by reseachers using the service, and this year's winners have been announced. 

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Simulation of Expiratory particle dispersion by turbulent exhalation jet during speaking

Supercomputing’s super potential

Having been at the leading edge of supercomputing, and its extraordinary growth over the past 30 years, Professor Mark Parsons believes we’re just at the cusp of exploiting its mind-blowing potenti

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Prof Mark Parsons seated at a table.

Research Software Camp: Supporting Mental Health starts next week

The Software Sustainability Institute's next Research Software Camp kicks off next week and will focus on supporting mental health in research software.

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Software Sustainability Institute logo

RSECon and Rust

In September 2022, the Society of Research Software Engineers held their conference (RSECon) at Newcastle University.

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RSEcon 2022 logo

DataLoch – enabling improvements in health and social care through a secure, pioneering data service

The DataLoch service brings together key health and social care data to allow a holistic, data-driven approach to the prevention and treatment of different conditions, as well as the provision of h

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DataLoch logo

Free EIDF information event for University of Edinburgh researchers

Maximise the power of your research data  with EIDF

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Abstract swoosh

Neuro-Symbolic AI on EPCC’s Cirrus HPC system

UMNAI's Andrew Farrugia explains how the company is deploying its novel Neuro-Symbolic AI algorithms and model induction (generation) technology on EPCC’s Cirrus system.

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Cirrus system

Our services for industry

EPCC is the UK's leading centre of Supercomputing and Data Science expertise and over the last 30 years we have worked on hundreds of projects with industry in the areas of high-perfor

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Image of simulated engine

Online course: GROMACS for ARCHER2 users

EPCC provides a variety of training courses as part of the ARCHER2 national supercomputing service. These include introductory, advanced, and domain-specific options. 

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ARCHER2 cabinets

You can't fault the filesystem

EPCC has spent quite a bit of time investigating non-volatile memory functionality and performance for high performance computing, initiated by the NEXTGenIO project.

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