Biomedical urgent computing in the Exascale era
CompBioMed is a European Commission H2020-funded Centre of Excellence focused on the use and development of computational methods for biomedical applications.

The UK’s National HPC Competence Centre
EuroCC is European-funded network of National Competence Centres (NCC) in HPC across Europe.

Our current collaborations with industry
This year is proving to be an exciting one for the EPCC Commercial Group.

EPCC becomes a member of RISC-V International
EPCC has become a community member of RISC-V International, a free and open Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) which has become hugely popular since it was first released over a decade ago.

Art and artificial intelligence
We have been working with The New Real Observatory (TNRO) to develop a platform in which artists can apply artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to produce new digital artworks informed by the cl

Getting to know Smart Data Foundry
We were born out of the Open Banking industry.

A data-driven pandemic response
The new Outbreak Data Analysis Platform, hosted by EPCC, will accelerate scientific understanding of COVID-19 and future outbreaks by providing an accessible, usable data resource for researchers.

RAMP: Epidemiological modelling of the COVID-19 pandemic
EPCC and the University of Edinburgh’s School of Physics and Astronomy have been working on the Royal Society-convened Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP) initiative.

The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications
The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications (EXCELLERAT) came to the end of its first phase in May 2022.

EPCC adds Graphcore Pod64 system to its AI portfolio.
• The system will feature the new Graphcore Bow IPU.
• The Bow Pod64 system delivers up to 22.4 Petaflops of AI compute for both training and inference.