

REF2021 results: global reach, genuine impact

Our joint School of Informatics and EPCC submission to REF 2021 has been ranked number one in the UK for research power in The Times Higher Education Computer Science and Informatics rankings.

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"1st in UK" montage

Take part in a survey of the UKRI community's software and computing needs

Make your voice and experience heard by taking part in the Software Sustainability Institute's survey to help understand the UKRI community’s software, skills and computing needs.

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NVIDIA webinar: GPUs

This webinar is for our GPU programmers looking to exploit clusters of NVIDIA GPUs for large-scale simulations.

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We're hiring!

We're looking for a Project Officer for the Software Sustainability Institute, which works to improve the use of software in research.

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HPC-Europa visit report

Tamara Gerber, a PhD student at the institute for Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth at the University of Copenhagen, reports on her research visits to Edinburgh and Newcastle.

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UK’s most powerful supercomputer on show for Prime Minister

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has visited the UK’s newest and most powerful supercomputer ARCHER2 during a tour of the University’s world-class data centre facilities.

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Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Professor Mark Parsons at EPCC

Computing Insight UK: lots of computing, insights, and nice to be back meeting in person!

The annual Computing Insight UK (CIUK) conference focuses on the UK’s contribution to HPC. Held in Manchester over two days and with players from across UK academia and industry, it was a grea

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Mark Parsons presentation on Exascale

Investigating Rust and task-aware communication libraries

EPCC has started work on two technology state-of-the-art investigations, each of which will research and produce a report on a topic of interest to HPC application developers.

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Hybrid parallel programming with tasks

This technical report by EPCC's Mark Bull and former EPCC MSc in HPC student Jiehong Yu gives an introduction to using a hybrid parallel programming model that combines MPI with OmpSs or OpenM

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New study into the software and skills required for large-scale computing

This year the Software Sustainability Institute will be running a study to better understand the software and skills required for large-scale research computing.

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