Apple vs oranges: performance comparisons

Work experience at EPCC

EPCC at the Edinburgh International Science Festival

EPCC invests £2.4m in Tier-2 Cirrus system
EPCC has received £2.4m from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) as part of the research council’s £20m investment in six new Tier-2 HPC centres.

Big Bang Fair: Day Three
Yesterday was Day Three of the Big Bang Fair, and it has kept delivering all the time.

Return to the Big Bang Fair
The Big Bang Fair, billed as the UK's largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths for young people, provides our Supercomputing Sleuths event with an

First day at BBF 2017

Back at the Big Bang Fair
ARCHER is back at the Big Bang Fair, the largest celebration of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) for young people in the UK.

The tyranny of 100x

Spreading the love