My work experience at EPCC
Connor Walsh is a school pupil who joined us on a work experience placement last week. Here's his report.

New edition of EPCC News out now
Director's Welcome

Connecting business to HPC and cloud resources
Fortissimo is a collaborative EC-funded project that enables European SMEs to be more competitive globally through the use of simulation services running on a high performance computing (HPC)

A bunch of stars!!
It has been around two years since a number of us at EPCC became science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) ambassadors and, as part of our outreach activities, we have maintained

MSc in HPC industrial placements: Mallzee
All our MSc students are given the opportunity to work on a project with a company or academic group.

MSc in HPC with Data Science industrial placements: Mallzee
It has been around two years since a number of us at EPCC became science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) ambassadors and, as part of our outreach activities, we have maintained

Fortissimo Marketplace makes access to advanced computing services easier for SMEs
New cloud-based marketplace offers small manufacturing businesses fast and convenient access to supercomputing services.

ARCHER Image Competition 2016: winner announced
We are delighted to announce the winner of the ARCHER Image Competition 2016 is Dr Peter Falkingham, Natural Sciences & Psychology Department, Liverpool John Moores University for his imag

Women In HPC wins 3 HPCwire awards
Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) has been recognised in the annual HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards, presented at the 2016 International Conference for High Performance Co

EPCC at SC'16, Salt Lake City, Utah
EPCC will be based in booth 701 during the Supercomputing conference(link is external). You can also meet our colleagues at the following events.