Wee Archie at AAAS 2017
This week I will be going to Boston for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting.

"Supercomputing": a new free online course
"Supercomputing" is a free 5-week online course designed for anyone interested in leading-edge computing technology, supercomputers or the role that computer simulation takes in modern science

The sound of INDY: making music with an HPC cluster
A major musical work has been created using code run on EPCC's INDY cluster.

Optimised tidal modelling

Big Bang Fair 2017: back, and bigger than ever!

Summer of HPC 2017 at EPCC
PRACE’s Summer of HPC programme has been running for quite a few years now.

ePython now ships as standard with every Parallella board
In a previous blog post I talked about ePython, the very lightweight version of Python that I have developed for the Epiphany co-processor. This co-processor is combined with a

More SMEs getting into SHAPE on the French Riviera
SHAPE is a pan-European programme that promotes high performance computing adoption by SMEs (small to medium sized enterprises), and is supported as part of the PRACE initiative.

Demystifying data input to TensorFlow for deep learning
TensorFlow is an incredibly powerful new framework for deep learning.

NEXTGenIO: the next exciting stage begins!
NEXTGenIO was one of several EC-funded exascale projects that we started work on last year. Here’s what’s been happening since it launched.